I am in my usual "let's get away from everything" spot while writing this, and it's autumn in New York, not yet winter.

When I left Sweden for Australia in September, it was autumn, too.

Going to Perth, Australia, I came to a somewhat feeble spring, although the spring flowers were busy blooming once we got outside the city.

It did however warm up once I went north (which is still a little odd to me) and reached Tokyo. The japanese were making excuses for the weather being so unseasonably warm, and the early autumn felt like treasured (if somewhat overwhelmingly hot when in the lecture halls) summer.

But back in Umeå, the temperature dropped quickly, so when I left for New York in November, winter had settled in firmly. My son was visiting just at the right time to run errands for me and get winter tires for the bike, so now I am the proud owner of a bicycle outfitted for winter biking. Scary, but I will try it as soon as I am back there.

And this is what I left when I went to a New York that is cool, moist and very autumn like. A total confusion of seasons, from September to November.
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