Friday, August 13, 2004

Mail Complications

If you ever plan to send something from abroad to Norway, and it is worth more than 1000 N Kr, consider your actions very carefully.

I bought a cymbal as a present for my son. I had to order it, and this took a while, so I couldn't bring it with me home from New York in April. My NYC connection picked it up and paid for it. This time around in NYC I ended up carrying a lot of heavy things, like a cymbal stand. To make the suitcase lighter I sent the cymbal by mail to my son. I had at the time no idea that the limit for packages taxfree to Norway was 1000 N Kr.

Because of the limit, we have to pay 24% taxes. That's OK, it is cheaper than returning it to NYC and then go back there and fetch it. So my son filled out the form and sent it in to let the Norwegian Mail take care of it. The form was returned, he was too young to pay the taxes, and an adult had to sign. My husband filled in the form, and sent it back. It was returned, they need the receit and a statement of the contents of the package.

Now, tell me this: This is a present, the packing slip clearly states the contents of the package and the fact that it is a gift. How is my son, the recipient of this gift, supposed to have the receipt? The sender of the whole thing isn't even any of us, it is my NYC connection (since it will be returned to him in case it is not picked up).

This whole thing is becoming absurd. I will be on the phone tomorrow, telling somebody quite clearly how absurd it is. For the rest of you, be warned, don't send anything worth more than 1000 N Kr to Norway, unless you send the receit in the mail to the recipient.

At least, don't be stupid naive idiots and let anybody know what you are sending.

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