Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Tearing bells off sheep

A student at Volda College got so sick of the sound of the bells the sheep grazing next to the college was wearing, that she complained to the farmer about them. The farmer couldn't move the sheep at the time, but he taped the bells in order to make the sound less annoying. A couple of days later he found the sheep frightened and confused, unwilling to go anywhere near the college, and four of them lacking bells.

This is the kind of Volda news that makes the national papers. It is also big news here. And it reminds me - I have to call a man about a sheep. It was on the road, wrong side of the fence, when I left home this morning.


Thomas said...

Hehehe... Poor sheep.

Torill said...

It belongs to the story that the bells have been returned to the farmer, cleaned, and with a concerned note with hopes that the sheep will be OK...