Friday, May 06, 2005


I like them.
I use them.
I use other people's blogrolls.
I miss them when they disappear.
I agree with Bitch Phd.


JR said...

Like others, I often use blogrolls to find new reading material. I originally found this page from the list of links on Jill's blog (or it might have been the other way around, I can't remember). And I visit a lot of the pages that Francis has listed on in his margins.

I wish someone would do a study on "link loyalty." I find that I leave links on my roll long after I've decided to stop reading a page regularly. Also, I leave one person's link at the top because I'm afraid if I move it lower, that person will be hurt. I wonder if others manage their links this way...

Loren said...

Blogrolls are my way of recommending other interesting sites without limiting my entries to writing about what others are writing.

Heck, I hardly ever write about what others are writing about.

Equally important, I discovered many of the sites I read regularly when they linked to me. If they are interested in what I'm interested in, it seems to follow that I might be interested in what they're interested in.